Get connected and join a group.

In 2021 we launched The Ordinary Guide, a simple framework to follow Jesus in all areas of your life. Our groups are based on this guide and offer weekly and seasonal spaces to consider how you’re following Jesus. it’s our belief that following Jesus is a life-long process of becoming like Jesus. You can learn more about groups below.

What is Discipleship?

For us, that’s a simple answer: ordinarily following Jesus to become like Jesus.

That’s best worked out through The Ordinary Guide, a simple framework for following Jesus in all areas of life.


Our relationship with Jesus is the context by which we experience salvation, and our connection with Jesus informs us of what it means to have healthy relationships -- intentional connections with others based on the initiative and posture of Jesus. Though it takes time and work, we live in relationships pursuing resolution, health, and connection.


We identify normal, day-to-day habits as rhythms. They are regular commitments - like working or eating - that we do in common, communal spaces. But instead of being things that only serve ourselves, our advancement, or our kingdom, our rhythms are integral aspects of our discipleship.


Throughout the life and ministry of Jesus, we see him engage in the public reading of scripture, in the practice of private and communal prayer, in being generous, and even in silence and solitude. Jesus joyfully invites his disciples to these practices— free of the guilt and shame. We believe spiritual disciplines are uncomfortable practices that force us to face our limits, ask God for help, and become more like Jesus.


The mission of God is a global expansion of the Kingdom of God in the hearts and the lived experience of all people, starting in our communities. We believe living on mission starts with us being intentional neighbors, friends, co-workers, or classmates. As an intentional neighbor, we’re encouraged to ask questions, listen to stories, invite others into our homes, and share the hope of the Gospel with them.

Join a group today!

  • Using the button above you will be able to see all the open groups that are available. The leaders, dates, and times of those groups are also shown. Just follow the prompts after clicking on a group to join and a group leader or staff will follow up with you.

  • Sometimes, groups aren’t the best fit; that’s okay! We want you to feel safe and comfortable in your group. You can also try a new group if the one you’re in does’t feel like the best fit.

  • We get it! The first time doing anything can be intimidating. Our groups are designed to be spaces for progress, not performance; you’re safe to try something new with us!

  • Most of our groups meet weekly with seasonal time off for summer and winter. Each group meets on a different day of the week and at different times. You can learn more about meeting times on our groups roster below.

  • Our groups meet in all sorts of different places. Some of our groups meet in homes, some of them meet in local coffee shops, and some of them meet at our office space.

Start a new group

  • Anyone! At Solid Rock we offer an annual training that will equip you and give you everything you need to launch a healthy group. You can RSVP and connect with our team at any time!

  • Not at all, we’re committed to making it as easy as possible for you to begin a group, it usually takes 2-3 months to be trained and begin a group, but times can vary based on need.

  • We totally support that! We prefer groups to be co-led by friends and trust that sharing the load makes leading and starting new groups easier.

  • Sometimes friends decide to start a new group, other times people who don’t know each other join groups. The base for every group is a commitment to trying something new and following Jesus together.

  • You can use the interest button below to connect with our staff and we’ll get you started down the path to starting a new group!

  • “Discovering what it means to follow Jesus alongside the men in my group has played a large role in my formation.”

    • Marcos

  • "The women in my group continue to inspire and encourage me to live like Jesus in every way of my everyday, and allow me to feel seen, known, and loved in ways that I will forever be grateful for."

    • Lani

  • "My group has been a beautiful place of vulnerable and authentic connection for me."

    • Elizabeth

  • "Throughout the week I’ve been encouraged by group members texting encouragement and sharing that we are praying for each other when life get challenging."

    • Jim