Upcoming events

Welcome Brunch

Welcome Brunch

If you’re new to Solid Rock, curious about our vision, or wanting to know the next step on how to participate with us, we’d love to invite you to join us for this meal to connect with some of leaders and other new folks as we hangout and discuss our vision as a church! 

Brunch is free and on us! We will eat together, have space for questions, and share some of our story, vision, and specific steps you can take to join us. If you have kids, they can totally join - we just won't have special childcare provided. If you have any questions, you can email Hunter@solidrock.us 

RSVP below and we’ll send you the location details. We can't wait to see you there!

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Students Mid-Week Gathering
to Mar 5

Students Mid-Week Gathering

We’re excited for our next Students midweek gathering on March 4 and 5 at 6:00pm! This space is designed to foster meaningful connections, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of the Gospel for Jr High and High School students. We’ll enjoy some good dinner, hang out with one another, and participate in groups focused on exploring faith, building healthy relationships, and living out the way of Jesus in their everyday lives. For now we'll have midweek every other week, with weekly gatherings launching in April. For more questions you can connect with our student coordinator, Nick Davis at nick@solidrock.us.

Please note, if you are a Jr High, your mid week gathering will be on Wednesday and if you’re in High School, your gathering will be on Tuesday.

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Students Mid-Week Gathering Update
to Feb 19

Students Mid-Week Gathering Update

We’re excited to announce the launch of our Students midweek gathering this upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:00pm! This space is designed to foster meaningful connections, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of the Gospel. We’ll enjoy some good dinner, hang out with one another, and participate in groups focused on exploring faith, building healthy relationships, and living out the way of Jesus in their everyday lives. 

If you are a high school student, your gathering will be on Tuesday the 18th at 6:00pm. If you are in junior high, your gathering will be on Wednesday the 19th. We can’t wait to see you, RSVP below!

If you have any questions please email our Student Coordinator at nick@solidrock.us.

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Justice Sunday

Justice Sunday

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our international church planting initiative in Mexico City! Join us on February 16 at 9:00am for our first Justice Sunday of 2025 to learn more about this vibrant city and how you can get involved in this new initiative.

We’ll be joined by church planters Victor and Teresa Cruz, who will share their story and about their church planting movement in Mexico City. Invite a friend and join us!

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We're Moving!

We're Moving!

Join us on February 2 at 9:00am as we gather back at our old location at 1364 N. Towne Ave, Claremont, CA 91711. We’re so excited to gather in a familiar location!

We can’t wait to see you there!

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For The People

For The People

  • 1364 North Towne Avenue Claremont, CA, 91711 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our first For The People Justice Initiative of 2025 on Sunday, January 26 at 12:00pm! This ongoing initiative hands out around 10,000 pounds of food to families in the Pomona Valley each month! We are in need of volunteers to help us with this event. 

We'd love your help, sign up below to serve!

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Groups Leader Training

Groups Leader Training

Are you interested in learning more about potentially leading a group? As Groups begin to meet again in the new year, we are hosting another Groups Leader Training for those who want to discover what it looks like to lead a Group at Solid Rock!

RSVP if you are interested!

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No Gathering

No Gathering

Every year after Christmas we take intentional time and space to be with family, to rest, and to be missional. We hope you consider being with people as we take a break from gathering on December 29. We know that the holidays can be a lonely time for some, so please connect with our staff for ways to still be with others and intentional.

We'll gather again on January 5 at 9:00am!

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Base Camp Christmas Special

Base Camp Christmas Special

We are so excited to host our annual Base Camp Christmas Special on December 22 at 9:00am! Our kids are working hard to prepare special program for you all!

Invite you families, your friends, and your neighbors as we cheer for our Base Camp kids!

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Advent at Solid Rock
to Dec 22

Advent at Solid Rock

Jesus has arrived! When Jesus shows up, everything changes. This is true of the world, the cosmic battle, our communities, our individual lives, identities, and experiences. Jesus’ arrival brings transformation. This happened not only at His birth but throughout His ministry. Even still, by His spirit and scripture, Jesus continues to draw people out of a kingdom of darkness and into his kingdom of light.

We invite you to join us over the next four Sundays as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus and how encountering Him brings transformation. See you on Sunday!

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Night of Singing and Prayer

Night of Singing and Prayer

We invite you to join us on November 23 at 7:00pm for a night of singing and prayer with First Love at the Bauer Center in the Claremont Colleges. We will spend time singing together, listening to God, and praying for our neighbors.

We can’t wait to see you!

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For The People

For The People

Join us for our next For The People Justice Initiative on Sunday, November 17 at 12:30pm! This ongoing initiative hands out around 10,000 pounds of food to families in the Pomona Valley each month! We are in need of volunteers to help us with this event. 

We'd love your help

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Junior High Hangout

Junior High Hangout

Are you in 5th - 8th grade? We invite you to join us for a fun night with our junior high students! We'll have a great time hanging out at the Martin’s House, eat some snacks, and have great discussions. 

RSVP so we can send you all the details!

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For The People

For The People

Our monthly For the People will take place this Sunday at 11:30am at 101 S Mills Ave, Claremont, CA 91711. We need your help packing and distributing food to families in need!

Sign up to serve using the link below.

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Justice Sunday
to Oct 14

Justice Sunday

Join us on October 13 for Justice Sunday as part of our series on Building the Kingdom. We will be focusing on God’s vision for a multiracial, multicultural kingdom - a community where all people, nations, and cultures can thrive in unity and justice. Come ready to be challenged to build a world where justice thrives and celebrate the diversity of cultures within Solid Rock Church!

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For The People

For The People

Our normal monthly For The People food distribution is cancelled today. We are still planning to serve families that we’ve connected with and we need your help to pack some groceries! RSVP below or email Michael at michael@solidrock.us.

We'd love your help!

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Welcome Brunch

Welcome Brunch

We are rescheduling our Welcome Brunch to September 28 at 10:00am!

If you’re new to Solid Rock, curious about our vision, or wanting to know the next step on how to participate with us, we’d love to invite you to join us for this meal to connect with some of leaders and other new folks as we hangout and discuss our vision as a church! 

Brunch is free and on us at one of our favorite local restaurants! We will eat together, have space for questions, and share some of our story, vision, and specific steps you can take to join us. If you have kids, they can totally join - we just won't have special childcare provided. 

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Celebration Sunday

Celebration Sunday

Every year, we gather together as a community for Celebration Sunday! This gathering is such a special moment for us to reflect on the past year and also look forward to the year ahead. During this gathering, we will be continuing our study on Building the Kingdom and talk through our identity as disciple-missionaries that once came from despair but now have the freedom to live in joy!

We’ll have some delicious Kogi Bbq after our gathering so make sure to mark your calendar and join us on September 8 at 9:00am for Celebration Sunday!

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For The People

For The People

Join us for our next For The People Justice Initiative on Sunday, August 25 at 2:30pm! This ongoing initiative has handed out around 10,000 pounds of food to families in the Pomona Valley each month! We are in need of volunteers to help us with this event. 

We'd love your help!

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High School Gathering

High School Gathering

Join us for our next High School mid week gathering on Thursday August 22 at 6:00pm. This gathering provides High School Students the opportunity to spend time in fellowship, share a meal together, learn about the Ordinary Guide and break into discussion groups.

If you are interested in joining, please RSVP below. If you have any questions please email our Student Coordinator at nick@solidrock.us.

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Groups Social

Groups Social

After our gathering, we will host a fun social in our Cafe Space for you to get a chance to meet our group leaders. If you’re new to Solid Rock and are looking join a group, we invite you to come! Refreshments and pastries will be provided.

We can’t wait to see you there!

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Groups Sunday

Groups Sunday

Joining a group is the best place to practice discipleship at Solid Rock. You will meet regularly with other people to discover, reflect, apply scripture and our framework for following Jesus called the Ordinary Guide. Groups will start meeting the week of August 25 and you can sign up to join a group starting August 18 here. We also want to invite you on August 18 at 9:00am for Groups Sunday where Pastor Hunter will talk about why it is important for our discipleship to be a part of a group.

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Justice Sunday

Justice Sunday

Why do we pursue justice at Solid Rock? We pursue it because we believe that it is part of Yahweh’s story of making all things new! We invite you to join us on August 11 at 9:00am as we gather together for Justice Sunday and share ways you can lead and start initiatives here at Solid Rock!

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For The People

For The People

Join us for our next For The People Justice Initiative on Sunday, July 28 at 2:30pm! This ongoing initiative has handed out around 10,000 pounds of food to families in the Pomona Valley each month! We are in need of volunteers to help us with this event. 

We'd love your help!

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Base Camp Movie Night

Base Camp Movie Night

Join us as we host our final Base Camp Backyard Movie Night of the Summer on Friday, July 26 from 6:30pm - 9pm at the Mow’s house in Claremont! We’ll be watching Blue's Big City Adventure (The Blue's Clues Movie) with some popcorn and snacks! All are welcome so RSVP below so we can send you the location details.

We’re so excited and can’t wait to see you! If you have any questions, you can email Lani Mow at lani@solidrock.us.

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Night of Singing and Prayer

Night of Singing and Prayer

If you missed out on the last Night of Singing and Prayer, no worries, we'll have another one on July 24 at 7:30pm at the Gunasena's House in Claremont!

We invite you to join us as we spend some time praying and singing to Jesus together! RSVP below and we’ll get you the location details.

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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

Jesus calls His followers to be baptized! In baptism we outwardly declare we have died with Christ and have been raised to new life through him. Have you been thinking about getting baptized? We have good news! We are hosting Baptism Sunday on July 21 at 7:00pm at The Martin's House. 

Please RSVP if you want to get baptized or want to attend so we can send you all of the details. Either way, come and join us as we celebrate this joyous day! We’ll have some delicious tacos to celebrate!

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Sunday Lab

Sunday Lab

Join us on July 21 at 7:30am for our next Sunday Lab where will survey through the book of Job to see how the oldest book in the bible helps us find wisdom. RSVP below and join us!

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Movies in the Park

Movies in the Park

We are so excited to serve the city of Claremont and be one of the sponsors for their Movies in the Park this Summer at June Vail Park on July 18!

If you're around, we invite you to join us as we give away some gifts, invites, and more!

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